The Football Foundation of South Africa
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Human Rights Day Event
Cha Inn Moon - March 21, 2014
To commemorate Human Rights Day, twenty-four of our Gansbaai and Stanford children visited the Mbekweni Community Sports Centre in Paarl to compete in a round of friendly sports matches with town peers.
Under the support of one of our partnering non-profits, SCORE, the event started off with a guest speaker who talked about the importance of holding onto one’s rights with dignity and to take active responsibilities in carrying out those measures throughout one’s lifetime.
Children were then divided into U18 and U13 age groups and were placed in sport-specific stations where they were able to compete against different communities in volleyball, netball, hockey, and soccer.
One of the central themes for the games was to recognize the equality of genders and this was done by allocating each team with six girls and six boys – this way, girls wouldn’t feel pressured to select sports based on gender popularity.
It was an action-packed day for the event participants as hundreds of children played intensely throughout a series of matches and were cheering for their team members with anticipation.
Amongst all teams that participated, the Football Foundation excelled the most with the highest number of winnings – our rigorous practice sessions have seemed to paid off!
We would once again like to thank SCORE for hosting our children at their newly built sports centre and to finally recount the history behind today, March 21, as being one of the nation’s prime moments in history that brought the current freedom and peace we are able to experience so effortlessly right now.